Nov 15, 2008



We are born of flesh. As humans in our natural condition we are spiritually dead and lifeless. We chase our desire for money, sex, power, acceptance, or entertainment only to come out empty and jaded, wanting more. We are slaves to our desire for the things of this world. Our entire existance is one vast need that cannot be fulfilled
When God sent his son to the fallen earth to live among us, his son told us that we must be born again. This time, though, it was not of flesh but of spirit. As long as you are not born in spirit you are dead in your transgressions. John Piper says it like this: "The dead cannot see. That is why they cannot see the kingdom as supremely desirable. To them it either looks foolish, mythical, hard or boring. Therefore they cannot enter the kingdom of God. "
To be born of the spirit, he demands an inward change so that we may see the wonderful and enticing movement that is taking place. The kingdom of God is at hand! The captivating truth that we can be set right with our creator and live in union with him is being shown to us through this man we call Jesus of Nazareth. We rejoice because we have caught a glimpse of the beauty and mystery of the God of the universe who is working in all things and through all things to accomplish his good purposes. We are caught in the midst of the greatest and most epic story of all. ( praise God )
Even through all this, though, many cannot understand this unspeakable joy that we have. Those who are slaves to their flesh cannot see why we would follow a man who teaches a gospel so contrary to our human nature, but this man can not and will not be defined by our own sinful desires. 
He calls us to take up our cross, to praise him amidst suffering, to abandon all desires and addictions that we have looked to for validation and fulfillment, destroy your pride, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute us, and ultimately lay our lives at his feet. 
This seems to make you more of a slave than you were before, but as CS Lewis said "he didnt come to torment your natural self but to kill it". 
We have to let Him kill our natural self so we can be born of spirit. Those born of spirit will see the kingdom as supremely desirable. The truth will set us free.
He wasnt lying when he promised abundant life. 
Praise God.

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