Apr 6, 2009

Best Films in the History of Mankind

What follows is the official list of all-time best cinematic features. These films are masterpieces and should be seen and loved by all who call themselves people. I write this to pay homage to the classic works of art that have stood (or will stand) the test of time and prove that my opinions are better than Parker's. Each selection is followed by one or two of the many memorable quotes in the film. (In no particular order).

Lord Of The Rings Trilogy-
Aragorn: When I look into your eyes I see the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we must forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. This day we fight! Stand now men of the West.

Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy-
Norrington:You are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack Sparrow: Ah, but you have heard of me.
Will Turner: Jack, Elizabeth is in danger!
Jack Sparrow: Have you considered keeping more watchful eye on her? Maybe just lock her up somewhere.
Will Turner: Keep a weather eye on the horizon.

Wallace: Every man dies, but few men truly live.
Wallace: For Freedom!!!!
Wallace: I never lie, but I am a savage.

Proximo: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?
Maximus: You would fight me?
Commodus: Why not? Do you think I am afraid?
Maximus: I think you've been afraid all your life.
Maximus: What we do in life echoes in eternity.

Kingdom Of Heaven-
Balian of Ibelin: It is a kingdom of conscience, or nothing
Balian of Ibelin: What man is a man who does not make the world better
Balian of Ibelin: What is Jerusalem worth?
Saladin: Nothing...(turns and walks away)...(turns back) Everything.

Last Samauri-
Simon Graham: [narrating] They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean, and when they pulled it out four perfect drops fell back into the sea, and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: honor
Algren: [narrating] Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles. To seek a stillness of your mind. And to master the way of the sword.

Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves-
Azeem: A wise man once said: "There are no perfect men in the world; only perfect intentions."
Will Scarlett: Well, that depends on you Locksley. I've never trusted you, that's no secret. What I wanna know is, is are you gonna finish what you started? I want to know if he's gonna turn and run like the spoiled little rich boy I always took him for.
Robin Hood: Did I wrong you in another life, Will Scarlett? Where does this intolerable hatred for me come from?
Will Scarlett: From knowing that... that our father loved you more than me.

Narnia Movies-
Aslan: [almost in a roar] Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.
Mr. Tumnus: [of Aslan] He's not a tame lion.
Lucy Pevensie: No... but he is good.
Aslan: It is finished.
(Note:If you have not read the books, you should not see the movies. They {the books}are but a dim reflection in a dusty mirror of the power and epicness of what the movies were adapted from.)
Batman Movies-
Joker: Want to know how I got these scars?
James Gordon Jr.: Why's he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

A Knights Tale-
William: It's not in me to withdraw.
Prince Edward: No. Nor me. Though it happens.
Chaucer: Yes, behold my lord Ulrich, the rock, the hard place, like a wind from Guilderland he sweeps by blown far from his homeland in search of glory and honor, we walk in the garden of his turbulence.
[crowd is silent, cricket noise]
Roland: Yeah.
Crowd: Yeahhhhh!

Other Movies Worth Mentioning.
The Prestige
Dances with Wolves
Shindlers list
Seven Years in Tibet
A Beautiful Mind
The Lion King
The Princes Bride
A Knights Tale
Mission Impossible Trilogy

A River Runs Through It

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